Saturday, 29 December 2012

Asam Pedas

My tourist info centre woman had recommended a restauran that she frequented for the Malaccan food, Asam Pedas. I found the place teeming with locals and immensely squeezy. The smorgasboard line up was packed with people. I added to my rice covered plate the things the man in front chose. This dish is spicy fish with tamarind paste somewhere in the mix. I added lots of extras that even on eating I couldnt identify. Anyway I have made the best notes I could, Just worried that the fish and other fishy things wont lead to any fast internal movements. In anticipation, this is one of the reasons I returned to the hotel early. Yesterday did a mad dash and dont want to be in a public toilet again for any such repeats. Did bring handwipes with me and this probably has helped keep internal machinations to a minimum. So this dish was a great success and I will be googling the recipe when I get home. Elsewhere saw more Cendol and didnt pass it by. Presented differently and I preferred the 1st one. Cendol is Nonya food-the fusion between chinese and malay. Called into the tourism office and now have new food locations to seek. Wont get to them all - now almost out of time. Took blue metered taxi back to my hotel and he drive through new back streets. But only a few cents above my taxi yesterday. So all is good. May go out again tonight. Hope all is well in the southern hemisphere. Was handed a plate of white rice over which I placed a piece or so of fish and then ladled some of the red liquid across the rice. Added some salad looking stuff not recognising much. Moved on to add some dark looking little things cooked in some way (copying the man in front of me), and they turned out to be oysters. Moved onto a white liquid (was it coconut) and green wilted leaves of some veg. Then a sort of shrimp paste/veg. Wonder what it was - but tasted great (Hmmm wonder if it was the belancon a paste made from shrimp that has been buried for a while and then dug up. Better not to think about that.) Only $2Aus. Really really really a great meal.

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