Sunday, 30 December 2012

Salivating taste buds

My taste buds werent salivating when I walked off into the night not hungry but eager to try yet another local specialty. Walked into town then out again without being inspired. Didnt want to return to the restauran on the corner where I had enjoyed rice balls. So walked and found a corner restauran with everyone eating crab. John, I dont think I have eaten crab since Mackay days. You would have thought I hadnt eaten for weeks. Voracious devouring. It was wonderful at every level, including the juices running down my arms. I ordered it sweet and sour but there was nothing in it of our sweet and sour sauce colour, texture nor taste. It was rich reddy brown and spicy but not hot with chilli, with strands of crab in it. On top was the pieces of a whole crab. A Singapore family on holiday took my photo before I hogged in. Another brilliant culinary find.

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