Saturday, 29 December 2012


I guess you can understand how my mind has begun to wander towards departure and the long 8hr stretch between Singapore and Melbourne. I googled a bit and found Singapore Airlines is one of the least likely to give upgrades even to its most frequent flyers. I guess I have to accept lightning wont strike twice. But I have my fingers crossed for that second upgrade to business class.

1 comment:

  1. Sunday has woken blue with Tassie hot looking potential again. The mornings are spent taking hoses for a walk throughout the property, and cleaning pavers in the venue in preparation for the new paved courtyard before he sun hits that spot. But Sundays are clothes washing days and tip runs, so I have extra tasks to fit in today. Gary twinged his back yesterday whilst cleaning the chook cage (we have one new black chicken) and is feeling awakward; Emma is off to Hobart for the day. Enjoy your Sunday and probably best not to dream about business class... XXX Anon J
