Monday, 24 December 2012

Happy Christmas

You probably wont read this for days, but when you do I hope you can look back with pleasure on tomorrow - on Christmas Day. Have a happy one.


  1. Happy Christmas Helen. Let us know how the KL's are celebrating. Sun is shining and the wind has subsided. Cold inside but the Conservatory beckons with our trad freshly squeezed OJ and plump croissants."Sun gleams bright, hearts are light, Merry, merry Christmas. Sheep in fold, shine like gold, Merry merry Christmas" xx Anon J

  2. Happy Christmas, Helen - I hope you have a wonderful day experiencing a much warmer Christmas than usual!! Have been loving your blogs - keep them up. Warm e-hugs, Megan

  3. Just checked Hobart is 18 and feels like 16 while KL is 29 and feels like 35. I knew there was a reason why outside I and everyone walks slow. I knew there was a reason why my hair is not only wet but drips down ny neck.
