Tuesday, 25 December 2012


I am thinking of Barbra Streisand singing 'people who need people are the luckiest people in the world'. If you want to be in KL or any other such populated place then you need to like people. Last night I bussed to Bikat Bitung for dinner and the experience. In advance I was aware this Bitung Walk (a whole long street) was going to be alive as one of the main entertainment and upmarket shopping locations. I was over it before the bus even stopped. We all know words like teeming and streaming and bustling. Lots of Santa elf hats being sold and groups of young people offering free christmas hugs. Decided I was sick if seeing so many people and went down a side street with motorcycles oarked across the footpath and endless traffic jams. People and property tightly packed. All swarming.


  1. Replies
    1. All sorts of people constantly wish me a merry christmas. Dont you love it: first day mixed religion, chinese yesterday, hindu today and islam tomorrow. Yet everywhere in the non spiritual world is commercial christmas.. Just passed elfin hatted people singing jingle bells.

    2. All sorts of people constantly wish me a merry christmas. Dont you love it: first day mixed religion, chinese yesterday, hindu today and islam tomorrow. Yet everywhere in the non spiritual world is commercial christmas.. Just passed elfin hatted people singing jingle bells.

    3. All sorts of people constantly wish me a merry christmas. Dont you love it: first day mixed religion, chinese yesterday, hindu today and islam tomorrow. Yet everywhere in the non spiritual world is commercial christmas.. Just passed elfin hatted people singing jingle bells.
